About Shizen Studio

Our Mission

Welcome to Shizen Studio!

We are engaged in activities to increase the greenery of the Earth and pursue the happiness of people.

Focusing on sustainable architecture and cutting-edge technology, we explore pathways to build a brighter future while introducing architectural designs and ideas centered around harmony and healing with nature.

Through this initiative, we hope to provide inspiration for future architects and designers to consider the importance of coexisting with nature and envisioning the ideal future.

Our Story

Shizen Studio was established by the two of us, Heidi Heinze and Raku Yamazaki, who share the same dream and vision.

We spent our student years in the United States, a country known for its hyper-capitalism, where we often witnessed disparities in wealth, constant noise, and scenes of overflowing garbage. Seeking tranquility and nature, our hearts guided us to various places such as Singapore, London, Germany, and Switzerland.

During these travels, we saw firsthand the technology of seamlessly integrating culture, modernity, and nature into architecture, nurturing people’s sense of happiness. We believe that through the power of nature and architecture, we can achieve a future that is more peaceful and abundant with greenery.

To truly realize a peaceful future, it’s essential to collaborate across various fields. As students of architecture, we strive to embody these values through our work at Shizen Studio, aiming to build an ideal future.

Our Team

Heidi Heinze:

Co-Founder, Head of Content, & Landscape Designer

Raku Yamazaki:

Co-Founder, Creative Director, & Web Designer

What Shizen is About

The Japanese word “Shizen” translates to “Nature” in English, but in Japanese, it carries multiple meanings: 

1. A place where plants and animals reside.

2. The natural state or course of things, untouched by human intervention. 

As aspiring architects, the beautiful world we envision is one filled with plants and creatures, an untouched Earth in its natural state. We want to build a future where we coexist harmoniously with this natural world. It is from this sentiment that we named our studio “Shizen Studio”

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